Friday, June 25, 2010

Splurge vs Steal

So the day has finally come and again I'm so excited because I get to do one of my favorite things, talk about shoes! Id rather be actually shopping for these shoes but I will settle for window shopping, or actually Internet shopping for splurge vs steal duos. Here is one I found I'm really excited about because these two really are very similar, from the flower detail in the sheer lace to the leather panel across the back of the shoe. Take a look at these two pics and see if you can guess which is the splurge and which is the steal. Before you scroll to the bottom of the pic, see if you can guess how much each cost....



Steal: Shoe A - Found at Macy's, regularly $69.00 on sale for $48.30

Splurge: Shoe B - Found at, retail value $995, on sale for $796.00

Talk about a steal! A shoe on par with the sheer trend for under $50, not always easy to do. But if you are able to make it happen, it feels like a real accomplishment, that's how it feels to me anyway. The thing to keep in mind when trying a new trend, don't splurge on a trend that may have a short life cycle or that you just want to experiment with. Save splurges for classics that you will get a lot of use out of and that will be a versatile piece that will be an addition to what you already have in your closet...

So this completes my first week of blogging and I must say I'm really enjoying it and I am really getting into the whole process! I think for my first week, I'm pretty satisfied with what I have done and how much I have learned from all my trial and error. Thanks to the "pro" bloggers that lended a hand to the rookie and to all my friends and family who are supporting my new blogging adventure! Check back in next week for another great summer trend!

with Sole,


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